Drive your cart and your plow over the bones of the dead

I wrote the following after a particularly powerful meditation about a month before Amber died.

“Drive your cart and your plow over the bones of the dead” – William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

This evolutionary process is not personal, and when you realize that, you are set free from believing that things happen for a reason. And that you’ve done something to deserve your suffering.

You haven’t.

The pain of evolution can’t be avoided.

Any more than you can avoid death.

The only way to avoid death is to realize the unborn and undying consciousness of which EVERYTHING is a part.

We also call it love.

Our bodies are crude
Imperfect instruments that receive and transmit this evolutionary energy

In our current evolutionary moment as a species, as our planetary collective consciousness moves to more abstract relationships, our bodies struggle to support this greater freedom. Bodies are slow, and the evolution of consciousness is an unstoppable force.

That forces us to digest this evolutionary suffering for a shot at greater freedom.

In this evolutionary moment, our new sensitivity to human’s inhumanity to human

Shows that participating in this process is a huge responsibility. As we accept the bewildering greatness of which we are a part, our responsibility grows.

We begin to understand the Bodhisattva vow

“May all beings find enlightenment before me”

This is essential compassion.

No more a choice than the choice to be born.

Allowing this evolutionary process in us energizes compassion. We all suffer greatly.

How can we help each other?

By seeking the beginningless and endless source

From which we were never separate.

In each moment.

Albee Kara – March 25, 2019