Keep Knocking

I wrote his on the flight back from my mom’s memorial service. I seem to get inspired on long journeys where I am a passenger. Maybe I should travel more? 🙂 She passed away on August 23rd, 2022 after 15 years of living with Parkinson’s Disease. I am happy to say that she and I had worked out all of the difficulties attendant to my upbringing, and these last few years had been nothing but real sweetness between us.

We spring from the timeless and unmanifest
Yet, we have this body and this life
Our individual consciousness one among billions of humans
And mysteriously connected to the world and universe we find ourselves in

A yearning to understand draws us inward, in search of answers 
Why are we here? What is the meaning of this existence? Why do we suffer so much?
Many will tell you that they have the answers
But they are invariably selling something. 

Instead of seeking answers, we must inquire “who is asking?”
Since the questions themselves arise
From the same source as our bodies and all of creation
And the answer isn’t in books or words 
It’s in ourselves. 

Each of us has the opportunity to discover
The relationship between the eternal and our individual existence
And there’s really nothing else going on here
All human activity is an inquiry into that relationship

Rumi says:

“I have lived on the lip
of insanity, wanting to know reasons,
knocking on a door. It opens.
I’ve been knocking from the inside.”

Yet we are all endlessly knocking
And it is beautiful
That knocking is the fount of all wisdom, knowledge and creativity
And when we settle on an answer
The knocking stops 

Keep knocking.

Albee Kara
Oct. 3rd, 2022